Victory at Ground Zero?

One of America’s greatest sins these days is hidden under the guise of tolerance. One of the most highly abused words in language today.

Tolerance is not a virtue in itself.  Tolerance can be pure unadulterated stupidity and even criminal.  No one alive tolerates everything. Only the dead can tolerate everything.

Tolerance that allows criminals to run free and legally commit their crimes is not real tolerance but disgraceful and criminal negligence.
Tolerance that accepts all religions equally – even Satanism – is not by any means a virtue but a insult to sanity.

Islam is NOT a religion like all other religions, nor does it ever profess to be.  It is a political/religious ideology based on extreme intolerance and founded by a man that pillaged and raped, tortured and murdered and then found a means to justify this through “religion”.

The following supposes that 9/11 was either not an inside job but indeed perpetrated my Muslim terrorists, or that if it was an inside job, Muslims and Islam were deeply involved.

That we now have political leaders in the West who not only “tolerate” but approve of a Muslim mosque at ground zero is a testimony of shame and deep stupidity.

Ground Zero

That America now has a Muslim president (who is also a Marxist) is just as shameful but also a testimony to either a very low IQ level or uncanny gullibility (is there a big difference?) of the majority of US voters during the last presidential election.

Building a Muslim mosque at ground zero is like building a shrine to Japanese Imperialism at Pearl Harbor.

This would be the first time in US history wherein a monument celebrating a victory to the enemy would be raised.

To Muslim Jihadists (all Muslims) this is the equivalent of planting a flag where a battle was one.

Islam is not a religion of peace but of persistent warfare – only seen to over to them when all the world is crushed under submission to their concept of God. This is clearly stated in their own “holy” book.

If the US allows this mosque to be built it will nothing but a Jihad victory flag flying in the face of New Yorkers and all the world. It will then be standing there for many long decades, demonstrating to all the world the ultimate American act of concession to defeat and self-destruction.

One of America’s greatest sins these days is tolerance.
Tolerance is not a virtue in itself.
Tolerance can be pure sin.
No one tolerates everything.

…Tolerance that allows criminals to run free and legally commit their crimes is not real tolerance but disgraceful negligence.

Tolerance that accepts all religions – even Satanism or any human sacrifice religion – is not by any means a virtue but a heinous crime against God and humanity.

Islam is NOT a religion like all other religions, as Jerry quotes, it is a political/religious ideology based on extreme intolerance.

That we now have political leaders in the West who not only “tolerate” but approve of a Muslim mosque at ground zero is a testimony of shame and deep stupidity.

That America now has a Muslim president (who is also a Marxist) is just as shameful but also a testimony to either a very low IQ level or uncanny gullibility (is there a difference?) of the majority of US voters of the last presidential election.

Building a Muslim mosque at ground zero is like building a shrine to Japanese Imperialism at Pearl Harbor.

This would be the first time in US history wherein a monument celebrating a victory to the enemy would be raised.

To Muslim Jihadists (all Muslims) this is the equivalent of planting a flag where a battle was one.

Islam is not a religion of peace but of persistent warfare – only seen to over to them when all the world is crushed under submission to their concept of God. This is clearly stated in their own “holy” book.