Epidemic Insanity

It doesn’t require much observation to see that there is an appalling and seriously frightening contagion of virtual insanity spreading throughout the West today. It’s worse than any black plague because it destroys lives in much more subtle ways and because it impoverishes and destroys societies.  Over the past decade or so, this phenomenon has spread like wildfire, infecting every level of society.  More and more psychologists are speaking up against the insane ideas being pushed on society – invariably by the liberal-minded media and it’s disciples of posthumanism. Many are saying that liberalism is a mental illness in itself while other say that liberalism creates mental illness. And of course, they are right. Insanity starts with the denial of reality. Denial of reality is everywhere today.

What is the evidence for this?

  • The wide spreading of ideas that are entirely contrary to reality

    • Take the whole transgender fad.  Biology, Mother Nature, dictates gender and always has. Gender cannot be simply decided by the human being. DNA, chromosomes, determine gender in an irreversible and undeniable manner. A man pretending to be a woman trapped in a man’s body or vice-versa is not only bucking reality – demonstrated en masse by modern scientific research – but they are engaging themselves in a serious psychological delusion and confusion that will cause them endless suffering. Their DNA tells their gender in no uncertain terms.The only way to change gender would be to re-write ones’ genetic code, one’s DNA. And even then, it is a fraud that Nature itself will resist because of all the genetic mechanisms in place in the genome that detect and correct replication and other errors. Genetic anomalies are quite another issue and they too are known to be ANOMALIES. Not natural or good.
      Human chromosomes, male vs female karyotype, illustration

      And even if that were possible, that in itself would be an act of a delusional person who fails to accept their real genetic nature, their natural identity. In this rising and spreading disease of the mind and soul, it is almost surprising that all those people who vehemently accused creationists and IDists and anyone even just skeptical of neo Darwinian evolution of being “anti-science” are now the ones resisting and denying the very science they claim to support beyond all else. The irony is stunning. As always the materialists contradict themselves everywhere.

      Moreover, any doctors and other medical professionals encouraging any person to go for a so-called “sex-change” operation is an accomplice in increasing that person’s suffering and promoting their confused and delusional state. They know very well that switching out sex organs and such will never rewrite that persons biological sex as recorded in their DNA. Thus, for filthy lucre, these immoral physicians are actually contributing to and multiplying the insanity of such operations and their underlying false beliefs, so contradicted by Nature itself. Shame on them! They are frauds of the worst kind, deceiving already confused and mentally ill people and condemning them to live in a body with sexual organs that do NOT comply with that person’s DNA! It is criminal!

    • Everything that was written above can also be applied to the deluded souls who think they are other species trapped in human bodies.  Like the young woman who claims to be a cat in a human body or all these insane men who act like dogs, being led around on all fours, on leashes and allowing themselves to be abused like animals. The same genetic reasons apply here only on a much larger scale. We have young people getting plastic surgery to alter their appearances to look like “aliens” – though none of them have ever seen an alien and none of them have any clue what an alien may or may not look like- supposing they even exist! It is pure INSANITY. And yet all the mindless liberals push this mental illness as though it were actually healthy.
    • We are seeing more and more denial of known historical facts spreading with a stunning degree of vehemence.  Tearing down and destroying old statues, banning flags that in fact had and have nothing to do with any immoral behavior and on and on the insanity goes.For this, I could name the irrational new racism with all its ugly consequences and ridiculous claims. Nonsense like “white supremacy”, “white privilege” and such.  This is revisionist history, not real history. This is harping away at things that occurred centuries ago and that were well on their way to completely disappearing from Western and European society.

      The truth? Between 620,000 and 750,000 white people died to stop slavery in the American South. Slavery was ended in England in 1833 by white people. Yet this fact is ignored completely and a reversed racism is now in full swing – blacks becoming extreme racists against whites. For this we may blame the Obama’s for their rank and often not so subtle racist comments against whites. We may blame the lying, manipulating lamestream media for fanning every possible flame of racism, perpetually playing the racist card against every little criticism of Obama’s NWO pushing regime. We can blame bigoted hate-mongers like Oprah Winfrey who has openly said that “old white people must die”. That is a murderous spirit. A demon by any other name.  And anyone who is paying attention knows who is really behind all this. The Globalists, the self-proclaimed “elites”, who are, in fact, only “elite” in their treacherous evil scheming for their own power and wealth.

      In an era where racism was coming to be almost non-existent, these people fanned the flames of a new kind of racism – that of blacks against whites. As though any living person today was involved in any of the old conflicts or slave trade. The new racists also completely ignore the fact that Canada was a haven, a refuge for fleeing slaves during all that time. Canadians, majority white, received and helped fleeing slaves reestablish themselves in new lives.

      Racism – as though the measure of melanins in body chemistry has anything at all to do with one’s character or value. More melanin means darker color – be it eyes, hair or skin. Less means lighter color. So all this hate and violence promoted and spread by these diabolical people is all about how much of this chemical is in your body?! Not really. They are using this simply as yet another tool to force the world towards their selfish, egomaniacal NWO.

      One curious and contradictory element in this the fact the slavery, throughout history, and still today, has most especially and abundantly been practiced under Islam! All while the people screaming against racism and complaining of events resolved more a century ago, today are also screaming for more Islamic “refugees” (generally Jihadis pretending to be real refugees).  Islam is radically anti-feminism, yet the Western feminist rally in support of it! This is quite literally insane. It’s like the person who lobbies against rape, rallying in support of more rapists coming into their neighborhood.  The same applies to the whole “gay” agenda. They rally for Islam, all while Islam murders gays by burning them alive or throwing them off buildings. This is literal insanity.


      Just as bad is the fact that Darwinian evolution is inherently racist in nature. Even though, in the wake of the revelations of Nazi plans for world conquest post-WWI, that their “scientific” justification for the “supreme race” and the “artificial selection” to exterminate the “inferior” races, we still see very few souls courageous enough and knowledgeable enough to speak the truth on this issue. And all the while evolutionism is heralded by both black and white! Hitler called blacks “monstrosities” and he worked closely with Islamic leaders to eliminate the “subhuman” – less evolved – Jews. The contradictions are indeed insane. The evolutionists devised a subtle means of escaping the implications against themselves by making one fundamental adjustment – moving the goal posts – in their theory. They changed it from polyphyletic (all races descended from variously evolved lineages) to monophyletic (all races evolved from a single hominid lineage which split into various races but all equally evolved).  And that is a trick, contested by many more honest evolutionists to this day.

    • And what shall we say of morality? This is truly amazing. We have seen a complete reversal of moral values in less than 40 years. That which was known to morally wrong for centuries is now morally good and that which was known to be morally sound for centuries is now called evil. It is stunning to behold. All well-informed people know the cause – materialism with its religion of Secular Humanism – the new creation myth called evolutionism and the many branches that have been spawned and spread based upon these godless and in fact, irrational beliefs based entirely on rebellion against Nature itself and against God.
  • The troubling phenomenon of people who cannot think for themselves and seem to have poor logical coherence in their ideas as well as the blatant spread of what I call “educated illiteracy”.It is all too obvious, just by scanning through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter et al, that far too many people (including the educated) do not know how to spell well, do not grasp plain English well, cannot seem to reason beyond 1st-degree inferences and embark in ludicrous beliefs like the Flat Earth.  A nonsense belief that is itself spreading across the West as though it had any credibility. That in itself is another proof of epidemic insanity – the underlying causes of which are materialism, a deliberately twisted education system specifically designed for  “dumbing us down” and persistent public education as indoctrination into secular humanist religion with evolutionism as its prime, centerpiece axiom. The schools are now the temples of secular humanism, not functioning to produce independent thinkers but brainwashed, sheep, slaves of the governing, oligarch elite, easy to manipulate by mass media propaganda.

    John Dewey stated clearly enough,
    You can’t make Socialists out of individualists — children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.” (tip of the iceberg)

    “Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American school is a school of humanism. What can a theistic Sunday school’s meeting for an hour once a week and teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of the five-day program of humanistic teaching?”
    – Charles F. Potter, “Humanism: A New Religion,” 1930

  • The inversion of normal judicial practice. 
    • How many more cases of judiciary insanity do we need to see before recognizing this contagion, this epidemic?  We see violent rapists and killers being set free by idiot, criminally negligent judges because “In his culture sex with children is approved and rape is normal” or “he was not aware that our laws forbid such behavior and his culture approves it”, or “beating women is not morally wrong in his religion”. Of course all this applies only to Islam! We see the same insane behavior when an investigative reporter is the one been hauled over the proverbial coals of injustice for having exposed the insanely wicked and inhumane practice of Planned Parenthood’s murdering of babies to sell their body parts on the black market. The hero is now the villain and the sick psycho villains are now protected. Again a reversal of sanity. ALL based on the relativism and stupidity of materialism, the evil agenda of the billion dollar abortion industry – follow the money.
    • Then, lastly, for now, I should mention the fact that so many wonderful new technologies are literally being stifled and deliberately kept out of the market all for the sake of big industries that make billions of bucks per year and keeping the old technologies going. The oil industry that too often halts new technologies that would have liberated the world from oil dependence decades ago. The pharmaceutical industry that deliberately stifles and suppresses cures and preventions of wide-spread disease – like cancer – all so it can continue to make billions per year and harmful “cures” that kill more patients than they cure – the radio-chemical treatments that actually destroy the human immune system causing more deaths than the disease itself.  All conveniently kept out of the mainstream spotlight. This too is insanity.

One could go on and on about the epidemic insanity taking hold of the world. It is not difficult to see. One does not need to search high and low to observe it or realize it just with a bit of effort of mind.

God help us.


The lovely looking but poisoned apple of humanism


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