Epidemic Insanity

It doesn’t require much observation to see that there is an appalling and seriously frightening contagion of virtual insanity spreading throughout the West today. It’s worse than any black plague because it destroys lives in much more subtle ways and because it impoverishes and destroys societies.  Over the past decade or so, this phenomenon has spread like wildfire, infecting every level of society.  More and more psychologists are speaking up against the insane ideas being pushed on society – invariably by the liberal-minded media and it’s disciples of posthumanism. Many are saying that liberalism is a mental illness in itself while other say that liberalism creates mental illness. And of course, they are right. Insanity starts with the denial of reality. Denial of reality is everywhere today.

What is the evidence for this?

  • The wide spreading of ideas that are entirely contrary to reality

    • Take the whole transgender fad.  Biology, Mother Nature, dictates gender and always has. Gender cannot be simply decided by the human being. DNA, chromosomes, determine gender in an irreversible and undeniable manner. A man pretending to be a woman trapped in a man’s body or vice-versa is not only bucking reality – demonstrated en masse by modern scientific research – but they are engaging themselves in a serious psychological delusion and confusion that will cause them endless suffering. Their DNA tells their gender in no uncertain terms.The only way to change gender would be to re-write ones’ genetic code, one’s DNA. And even then, it is a fraud that Nature itself will resist because of all the genetic mechanisms in place in the genome that detect and correct replication and other errors. Genetic anomalies are quite another issue and they too are known to be ANOMALIES. Not natural or good.
      Human chromosomes, male vs female karyotype, illustration

      And even if that were possible, that in itself would be an act of a delusional person who fails to accept their real genetic nature, their natural identity. In this rising and spreading disease of the mind and soul, it is almost surprising that all those people who vehemently accused creationists and IDists and anyone even just skeptical of neo Darwinian evolution of being “anti-science” are now the ones resisting and denying the very science they claim to support beyond all else. The irony is stunning. As always the materialists contradict themselves everywhere.

      Moreover, any doctors and other medical professionals encouraging any person to go for a so-called “sex-change” operation is an accomplice in increasing that person’s suffering and promoting their confused and delusional state. They know very well that switching out sex organs and such will never rewrite that persons biological sex as recorded in their DNA. Thus, for filthy lucre, these immoral physicians are actually contributing to and multiplying the insanity of such operations and their underlying false beliefs, so contradicted by Nature itself. Shame on them! They are frauds of the worst kind, deceiving already confused and mentally ill people and condemning them to live in a body with sexual organs that do NOT comply with that person’s DNA! It is criminal!

    • Everything that was written above can also be applied to the deluded souls who think they are other species trapped in human bodies.  Like the young woman who claims to be a cat in a human body or all these insane men who act like dogs, being led around on all fours, on leashes and allowing themselves to be abused like animals. The same genetic reasons apply here only on a much larger scale. We have young people getting plastic surgery to alter their appearances to look like “aliens” – though none of them have ever seen an alien and none of them have any clue what an alien may or may not look like- supposing they even exist! It is pure INSANITY. And yet all the mindless liberals push this mental illness as though it were actually healthy.
    • We are seeing more and more denial of known historical facts spreading with a stunning degree of vehemence.  Tearing down and destroying old statues, banning flags that in fact had and have nothing to do with any immoral behavior and on and on the insanity goes.For this, I could name the irrational new racism with all its ugly consequences and ridiculous claims. Nonsense like “white supremacy”, “white privilege” and such.  This is revisionist history, not real history. This is harping away at things that occurred centuries ago and that were well on their way to completely disappearing from Western and European society.

      The truth? Between 620,000 and 750,000 white people died to stop slavery in the American South. Slavery was ended in England in 1833 by white people. Yet this fact is ignored completely and a reversed racism is now in full swing – blacks becoming extreme racists against whites. For this we may blame the Obama’s for their rank and often not so subtle racist comments against whites. We may blame the lying, manipulating lamestream media for fanning every possible flame of racism, perpetually playing the racist card against every little criticism of Obama’s NWO pushing regime. We can blame bigoted hate-mongers like Oprah Winfrey who has openly said that “old white people must die”. That is a murderous spirit. A demon by any other name.  And anyone who is paying attention knows who is really behind all this. The Globalists, the self-proclaimed “elites”, who are, in fact, only “elite” in their treacherous evil scheming for their own power and wealth.

      In an era where racism was coming to be almost non-existent, these people fanned the flames of a new kind of racism – that of blacks against whites. As though any living person today was involved in any of the old conflicts or slave trade. The new racists also completely ignore the fact that Canada was a haven, a refuge for fleeing slaves during all that time. Canadians, majority white, received and helped fleeing slaves reestablish themselves in new lives.

      Racism – as though the measure of melanins in body chemistry has anything at all to do with one’s character or value. More melanin means darker color – be it eyes, hair or skin. Less means lighter color. So all this hate and violence promoted and spread by these diabolical people is all about how much of this chemical is in your body?! Not really. They are using this simply as yet another tool to force the world towards their selfish, egomaniacal NWO.

      One curious and contradictory element in this the fact the slavery, throughout history, and still today, has most especially and abundantly been practiced under Islam! All while the people screaming against racism and complaining of events resolved more a century ago, today are also screaming for more Islamic “refugees” (generally Jihadis pretending to be real refugees).  Islam is radically anti-feminism, yet the Western feminist rally in support of it! This is quite literally insane. It’s like the person who lobbies against rape, rallying in support of more rapists coming into their neighborhood.  The same applies to the whole “gay” agenda. They rally for Islam, all while Islam murders gays by burning them alive or throwing them off buildings. This is literal insanity.


      Just as bad is the fact that Darwinian evolution is inherently racist in nature. Even though, in the wake of the revelations of Nazi plans for world conquest post-WWI, that their “scientific” justification for the “supreme race” and the “artificial selection” to exterminate the “inferior” races, we still see very few souls courageous enough and knowledgeable enough to speak the truth on this issue. And all the while evolutionism is heralded by both black and white! Hitler called blacks “monstrosities” and he worked closely with Islamic leaders to eliminate the “subhuman” – less evolved – Jews. The contradictions are indeed insane. The evolutionists devised a subtle means of escaping the implications against themselves by making one fundamental adjustment – moving the goal posts – in their theory. They changed it from polyphyletic (all races descended from variously evolved lineages) to monophyletic (all races evolved from a single hominid lineage which split into various races but all equally evolved).  And that is a trick, contested by many more honest evolutionists to this day.

    • And what shall we say of morality? This is truly amazing. We have seen a complete reversal of moral values in less than 40 years. That which was known to morally wrong for centuries is now morally good and that which was known to be morally sound for centuries is now called evil. It is stunning to behold. All well-informed people know the cause – materialism with its religion of Secular Humanism – the new creation myth called evolutionism and the many branches that have been spawned and spread based upon these godless and in fact, irrational beliefs based entirely on rebellion against Nature itself and against God.
  • The troubling phenomenon of people who cannot think for themselves and seem to have poor logical coherence in their ideas as well as the blatant spread of what I call “educated illiteracy”.It is all too obvious, just by scanning through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter et al, that far too many people (including the educated) do not know how to spell well, do not grasp plain English well, cannot seem to reason beyond 1st-degree inferences and embark in ludicrous beliefs like the Flat Earth.  A nonsense belief that is itself spreading across the West as though it had any credibility. That in itself is another proof of epidemic insanity – the underlying causes of which are materialism, a deliberately twisted education system specifically designed for  “dumbing us down” and persistent public education as indoctrination into secular humanist religion with evolutionism as its prime, centerpiece axiom. The schools are now the temples of secular humanism, not functioning to produce independent thinkers but brainwashed, sheep, slaves of the governing, oligarch elite, easy to manipulate by mass media propaganda.

    John Dewey stated clearly enough,
    You can’t make Socialists out of individualists — children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.” (tip of the iceberg)

    “Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American school is a school of humanism. What can a theistic Sunday school’s meeting for an hour once a week and teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of the five-day program of humanistic teaching?”
    – Charles F. Potter, “Humanism: A New Religion,” 1930

  • The inversion of normal judicial practice. 
    • How many more cases of judiciary insanity do we need to see before recognizing this contagion, this epidemic?  We see violent rapists and killers being set free by idiot, criminally negligent judges because “In his culture sex with children is approved and rape is normal” or “he was not aware that our laws forbid such behavior and his culture approves it”, or “beating women is not morally wrong in his religion”. Of course all this applies only to Islam! We see the same insane behavior when an investigative reporter is the one been hauled over the proverbial coals of injustice for having exposed the insanely wicked and inhumane practice of Planned Parenthood’s murdering of babies to sell their body parts on the black market. The hero is now the villain and the sick psycho villains are now protected. Again a reversal of sanity. ALL based on the relativism and stupidity of materialism, the evil agenda of the billion dollar abortion industry – follow the money.
    • Then, lastly, for now, I should mention the fact that so many wonderful new technologies are literally being stifled and deliberately kept out of the market all for the sake of big industries that make billions of bucks per year and keeping the old technologies going. The oil industry that too often halts new technologies that would have liberated the world from oil dependence decades ago. The pharmaceutical industry that deliberately stifles and suppresses cures and preventions of wide-spread disease – like cancer – all so it can continue to make billions per year and harmful “cures” that kill more patients than they cure – the radio-chemical treatments that actually destroy the human immune system causing more deaths than the disease itself.  All conveniently kept out of the mainstream spotlight. This too is insanity.

One could go on and on about the epidemic insanity taking hold of the world. It is not difficult to see. One does not need to search high and low to observe it or realize it just with a bit of effort of mind.

God help us.


The lovely looking but poisoned apple of humanism


What Kind of World would Convince us that Atheism is True?

“What kind of world would convince you that there is no God?”

This is a question posed a while back by atheist Jerry Coyne and one that pops up once in a while in debates on theism vs atheism.

And the answer is very simple.

No world at all.
Indeed, no worlds at all, no universe at all – nothing.

That’s the only rational answer. If literally nothing existed then there would be no one to posit either theism or atheism or anything at all and atheism would be true by default since absolute nothing would also mean no God. However, as soon as you have something, atheism becomes untenable. It can never explain the existence of anything and thus it is too weak a proposition to have any use or credibility.

“Nothingness” is atheism in a nutshell. Atheism is the intellectual black hole of the universe.

Nothing made everything in atheism. Some of them try to pretend that atheism does not really make such a preposterous claim. And yet, they will point to Lawrence Krauss who wrote the book, A Universe from Nothing!  And then they will claim that nothing doesn’t really mean nothing. Um, what?! Say again?

To escape the stupidity of his claims Krauss tries to redefine nothing to mean something. In fact, militant atheists like that are always seeking escape tactics like this to hide the insanity of what they’re saying.  But even in their curious definitions of “nothing” their foolish arguments fail miserably. Since they have defined nothing as something, they still must explain how that something that they call nothing (I’m not making this up) came to exist.  Of course. They cannot do any such thing.

Thankfully the hard sciences and math tell us that the energetic potential of nothing is always nothing. This is the most obvious thing in the ‘world’. Indeed, and using atheist “logic”, we could think that 10^1000 x 0 does not equal 0 but some humongous positive number.

Why is there something rather than nothing is something that blind atheism can never explain. Atheism has its own god. The great god Nothing. It is their posited creator and to their creator they think they are going when they die.

You’ve probably heard the ancient proverb that “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”.  Well, in the inverse, atheism is the beginning of insanity.  Why? Because it is nothing but denial of reality and wishful thinking. And all the laughable and ill-reasoned, junk philosophy of a Coyne or a Dawkins will never change that.

As Voltaire stated, “The atheists are for the most part imprudent and misguided scholars who reason badly who, not being able to understand the Creation, the origin of evil, and other difficulties, have recourse to the hypothesis the eternity of things and of inevitability…..” – Philosophical Dictionary



Atheism is True?

I came across a Facebook page called “Atheism is true”, today. I couldn’t believe it. Even knowing how clueless most modern atheists are I could barely believe that anyone could possibly be that stupid.

The phrase, “atheism is true” is, in fact, a claim to knowledge of a universal negative.
All knowledge claims carry an intrinsic burden of proof. And,

“in truth-directed enquiries, the burden of proof is on all of us alike”
– Putting the Burden of Proof in its Place: When are Differential Allocations Legitimate ? Tim Dare and Justine Kingsbury, Academia.edu

So, pray tell, where oh where is the proof that Atheism is true? Saying “atheism is true” is semantically identical to saying “it is true that there is no God”.
Proof, please? Oops.
Proof of atheism is always AWOL.  And that since the beginning of time.

Ergo – “atheism is true” has to be one of the dumbest claims ever – even by today’s woefully low standards for dumb. It is literally blind faith, the proverbial leap into the dark, the deep dark abyss of human stupidity, the belief without evidence that ignorant atheists wrongly think real faith is. (Real faith is based on good evidence)

And the profile pic is just as clueless.
It’s a photo of the cosmonaut who famously said, “I see no god up here“?
Did anyone expect him to? Nope. Certainly no Xian. (X = the Greel letter chi, not the English x, and the chi was used by early Christians as a symbol of Christ, because the first letter in his Greek title is the chi – X)

The man who did more than any other to put man on the moon, Werner von Braun stated,

“…as I became exposed to the law and order of the universe, I was literally humbled by its unerring perfection. I became convinced that there must be a divine intent behind it all… My experiences with science led me to God. They challenge science to prove the existence of God. But must we really light a candle to see the sun?”

“When astronaut Frank Borman returned from his unforgettable Christmas, 1968, flight around the moon with Apollo 8, he was told that a Soviet Cosmonaut recently returned from a space flight had commented that he had seen neither God nor angels on his flight. Had Borman seen God? the reporter inquired. Frank Borman replied, “No, I did not see Him either, but I saw His evidence.”
– Dr. Wernher von Braun

It’s tragic that so many atheists are too blind and too narcissistic to grasp anything greater than themselves and often too lazy to think beyond first-degree inferences. Tragically, atheists are usually their own little gods. And also, all too often, either terrible logicians or just dishonest people – even lying to their own selves. This is one reason why we say that “it’s just 99% of all atheists that give such a bad reputation to the rest”.

newton-bible and atheism

Are Science and Religion Opposed?

We hear this claim all the time from the new atheist crowd.  So, is it true?  The idea that science and religion are opposed is absolutely ludicrous. However, the religion of atheism is definitely opposed to science. And for obvious reasons.

Something far too many people, including an embarrassing number of PhD scientists, are woefully ignorant of the fact that all science is founded upon philosophical and religious assumptions. Atheism provides no metaphysical assumptions upon which any science at all can be rightfully rooted.

FACT: Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Walter Reed, Dmitri Mendeleev, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Kelvin, Faraday, Pasteur, Townes, Mendel, Marconi, world leader in sickle cell anemia research, Dr Felix Konotey-Ahulu, Werner von Braun, Pupin, Walter Lammerts, AE Wilder Smith – with 3 earned doctorates in science! Raymond Damadian Inventer of the MRI,  … and on and on the list goes … were all men of very strong religious beliefs. Indeed, they were all theists and creationists and IDists.

FACT: Modern science and the modern scientific method were founded and established by creationists, not merely religious people but creationists.

Thus the exceedingly foolish claim of the new atheists, that science and religion are somehow opposed, and that one must choose one or the other to establish ones’ facts, is simply stunningly wrong. That claim means that the people who started modern science were the same people whose beliefs opposed science. So what do the atheist do in response to the historical facts? They pretend that somehow, these creationists, these deeply religious people who founded modern science, did so without any reference to their beliefs, that their science had nothing to do with what they believed. And of course, that is more utter nonsense.

FACT: The founders of modern science rooted that science in their theism.  As C.S. Lewis so rightly stated,

“Men became scientific because they expected Law in Nature, and they expected Law in Nature because they believed in a Legislator.” – M. D. Aeschliman C. S. Lewis on Mere Science 1998 First Things 86 (October, 1998): 16-18.

And as even atheist philosopher of science, Michael Ruse wrote,

“Most people think that science and religion are, and necessarily must be, in conflict. In fact, this ‘warfare’ metaphor, so beloved of nineteenth-century rationalists, has only a tenuous application to reality. For most of the history of Christianity; it was the Church that was the home of science.” – p. 671 in Ruse, Michael Introduction to Part X (Creationism) in The philosophy of biology edited by David L. Hull and Michael Ruse. 1998

In fact, virtually all the historical experts agree on the fact that it was withing the Christianity that modern science was founded and grew. Indeed, a fact that ought to be disturbing for atheists, but obviously isn’t because their ignorance of the history of science is so profound, is that virtually NO atheists were involved in the establishing of modern science. And for good reason.  Atheism does not allow for any view of the world that includes a reason to believe that law, order and comprehensibility ought to characterize the universe.  This fact has been discussed in great detail in the philosophy of science by people like Rodney Stark in his book, “For The Glory of God: How Monotheism Led to Reformations, Science, Witch-hunts and the End of Slavery”.

Or even Loren Eiseley who wrote,

‘The philosophy of experimental science … began its discoveries and made use of its methods in the faith, not the knowledge, that it was dealing with a rational universe controlled by a creator who did not act upon whim nor interfere with the forces He had set in operation… It is surely one of the curious paradoxes of history that science, which professionally has little to do with faith, owes its origins to an act of faith that the universe can be rationally interpreted, and that science today is sustained by that assumption.’ – Eiseley, L., Darwin’s Century: Evolution and the Men who Discovered It, Doubleday, Anchor, New York, 1961

And distinguished University Professor at Seton Hall University, in South Orange, New Jersey, Stanley Jaki, a leading contributor to the philosophy and the history of science wrote,

“The scientific quest found fertile soil only when this faith in a personal, rational Creator had truly permeated a whole culture, beginning with the centuries of the High Middle Ages. It was that faith which provided, in sufficient measure, confidence in the rationality of the universe, trust in progress, and appreciation of the quantitative method, all indispensable ingredients of the scientific quest.” — Jaki, Stanley L., Creation and Science (1974)

“The birth of science came only when the seeds of science were planted in a soil which Christian faith in God made receptive to natural theology and to the epistemology implied in it. The transition from that first viable birth to maturity was made neither in the name of Baconian empiricism nor in the name of Cartesian rationalism. The transition was made in a perspective adopted by Newton, chiefly responsible for completing that transition. The next two centuries saw the rise of philosophical movements, all hostile to natural theology. Whatever lip service to science, they all posed a threat to it. The blows they aimed at man’s knowledge of God were as many blows a knowledge, at science, and at the rationality of the universe. All those philosophical movements from Hume to Mach also meant an explicit endorsement of the idea of eternal returns, an idea which from the viewpoint of science acted as the chief road into its great historical blind alleys.” – S. Jaki, The Road of Science and the Ways to God, p. 160

Dr. Ronald Numbers, Professor of the History of Science and Medicine at the University of Wisconsin–Madison stated,

“The greatest myth in the history of science and religion holds that they have been in a state of constant conflict. No one bears more responsibility for promoting this notion than two nineteenth-century American polemicists: Andrew Dickson White (1832-1918) and John William Draper (1811-1882)… Historians of science have known for years that White’s and Draper’s accounts are more propaganda than history.” (Galileo Goes to Jail. pg.1,2,6 https://goo.gl/F65JJD)

Indeed, White is one of the principle characters responsible for the lies and false ideas that have spread opposing science and religion. Again, there were virtually no atheists involved in the founding of modern science. Atheism offers no grounds for any belief in any kind of science whatsoever. Atheism has no reason to believe the universe is ordered and understandable.

FACT: 65% of all Nobels were won by Christians.

Worse still, the Christian founders of modern science managed to open the world and change world history by developing a method of inquiry into the natural world based on that which is allegedly “diametrically opposed” to everything they believed! Thus making the founding of modern science a MIRACLE.

The ignorance and stupidity of claiming science and religion are opposed, is thus revealed to be simply astonishing.


Intelligent Religion: it’s not a contradiction

The book “Intelligent Religion: it’s not a contradiction”, is available on Amazon:

Canadian site: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B073ZKGD73
USA site: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073ZKGD73

Religion is blamed for almost everything wrong in the world these days. Is that justified? Religion has a very bad name but is that deserved? Sometimes it is, but only when referring to man-made, organized religion. Otherwise, everyone is inherently religious in the sense of having a worldview, a set of beleifs about “life, the universe and everything”, a set of moral principles and ideological convictions.

Is religion, in itselfm a human folly? Did man create God in his own image?
Or are religion, faith, spirituality as natural a phenomenon as breathing?

Is it all madness based on fairy tales and myths or something intelligent based on reality and facts?
I’ve offered concrete, well researched, logic, sciecne and history based answers in this book.

It’s full of great information for theistic apologists, skeptics looking for honest answers and even atheists ready to look honestly at the facts.
The information will understand much better the logical and simple explanations that will remove the confusion. The book covers, for example,

• Why the world has been religious since the dawn of time
• The true sources of what people think about it today, often without realizing it
• A simple and universal definition of what religion is that everyone can agree on
• The unavoidable relationship between politics and religion
• Why the creation of a completely secular society is impossible
• Logical and scientific evidence of the existence of a supreme being
• Why atheism can never be a substitute for real religion
• The function of humanitarian aid which must be a main function of any valid religion
• Has God really acted in human history?
• And more !

Chapter summary:

Chapter 1
What is religion, exactly?
Let’s be logical
A religion of love
Chapter 2
Religion and atheism
Does a universal morality exist?
Is atheism a religion?
Atheism is a belief
Atheism is concerned with the existence of God
Atheism contradicts itself
Real atheism or religion, you must choose
Chapter 3
If there is a God, Religion makes sense
Typical evidence of the existence of God
The cosmological argument based on the beginning of the universe
The argument based on information
Information and symbols
Genetics and algorithms
Genetics and arithmetic
Origin of life and evolution
The argument from morality
The error of relativism
Origin of the moral law
Other arguments
Evidence of the non-existence of God
Chapter 4Religion and politics? God forbid!
Wars of religion?
Is a purely secular government possible?
God and the State according to the Bible
Chapter 5
God and Religion in history: Divine interventions?
Joshua and the long day
The prayer of General Patton
Bullet-proof George Washington
The face of the Lamb
Life after death: Diane Komp , Carl Jung, Howard Storm and many others
Chapter 6
Religion and Education
Secular humanism
The hidden face of school programs
Chapter 7
Religion and Social Missions

Check it out, in either digital or hard copy. It’s priced low to make this ifnormation available to even the lowest budget.



God and Politics?

Every time there are elections we see a lot of talk on the Internet and between people on things like who should one vote for, which political party is the best, which candidate has the best competence, and among religious folks, how the believer ought to view polictics in general, is God interested in politics, can use the scriptures to better decide which party to vote for?  etc ..

These discussions and debates are often very passionate on all sides. There are many people who say that we should not mix religion and politics including God and politics. It’s an age old adage.  So we hear a lot about the issue of mixing religion and politics. We hear about it a lot in the United States regarding their Constitution and the famous Establishment Clause, “Congress shall make no law Respecting an establishment of religion “with” … or Prohibiting the free exercise thereof ” Because of these perpetual quarrels and abuses of these terms and ideas on the issues, we hear that the church should not “interfere” in the state.

To clarify the issue I must say at the outset that there is a difference between “God and State” and “Religion and State”. Religion is the human expression of beliefs in God or not, metaphysical beliefs. The government must therefore not impose a specific religion on the nation since the people must have the right to choose freely. It is at this level that the words of Christ, “My kingdom is not of this world.” applies .

However, we must not make the mistake of saying, based on this saying, that Christ is not interested in human governments. On the contrary, the Old Testament very clearly declares his interest in the way that nations act. He is called King of the Nations. Even in the Apocalypse of John, the book of Revelation, we see the role of nations in the new earth ruled by Christ and his servants.

Assuming that those who read this article understand the subject fairly well, I will try to clarify some important points.

The Bible is the compass of the world, and not only the Christian. It is the revelation of God to humanity, not just Jews and Christians, to show us the way to God and the way of righteousness, justice and mercy in life. So it’s back to the Scriptures to find the correct views.  What does the Bible say about the subject? Does the Bible speak of it?  We do not want only human, subjective opinions versus another opinion, but we want to see if the word of God is clear on the subject.

I will start with a quote from a highly relevant key text for all that concerns God and human governments.

At one time I may threaten to tear up, break down, and destroy a nation or a kingdom.  But suppose the nation that I threatened turns away from doing wrong. Then I will change my plans about the disaster I planned to do to it.
At another time I may promise to build and plant a nation or a kingdom.  But suppose that nation does what I consider evil and doesn’t obey me. Then I will change my plans about the good that I promised to do to it.
  – Jer 18: 7-10

In it God reveals very briefly the principle by which he governs the nations on earth. The whole principle is closely related to their obedience or disobedience to the moral law. The very fact that God intervenes in the affairs of men already gives us an important clue to the question of God and the State. God is not absent from the state, he is not indifferent to the state and considers the human affairs constantly.

So right there we may not pretend that God and state should be kept separate, as if one had nothing to do with the other. The reality is that it is actually impossible to separate them completely!  Indeed, although we could believe that government should not establish a single religion as the religion of the state, imposed on all, one can not say that a government can be separated from God and views of religion either.

In the Old Testament, for example, God arranged to place a person of his choice as the head of a Nation and over and over again.  For example, Joseph was chosen by God to come to rule Egypt.  We see the many judges he raised up and established.  We see the he choose Saul to be the first king of Israel, followed by David etc. In the story of Esther we find God very involved in the fate of the Jews in a pagan nation. We see how God used Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem through the governor. God is seen to interfer in the Gentile (non Jewish) nations also.  For example with Cyrus that he predetermined many years before his birth, to become the king of Persia (Iran). We also see Daniel and his position of influence and governance in Babylon.

The list is long. One can even say with certainty that the Old Testament is the history of moral and political relations between God and nations, especially Israel but many others also. We read in Deut. 32: 7.8

Remember the days of old, consider the years of generation to generation: ask thy father, and he will declare to you, your elders, and they will tell thee.   When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the son of Adam, he set the bounds of the peoples according to the number of the son of Israel.

We see throughout the Bible that God wants to be respected and served by nations and their leaders. In Psalm 2 we read,

Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, and for thy possession the ends of the earth;
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; like a potter’s vessel thou shalt parts.
And now, O kings, be wise; you rulers of the earth, receive instruction:
Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling; …

In Psalm 9 we read,

Psa 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations that forget God;

King David recognized God’s authority when he said, “you have made me head of the nations;” God is interested, not only in politics. but who will be leader of a nation. And is it any wonder? Seeing that God’s purposes on earth for the well being of humanity are always at stake in politics?

Even stronger language is used by Isaiah when he said, concerning the Messiah (Christ), “and the government shall be upon his shoulder;

In short, to say that we must respect separation of state and religion and especially with God is simply a very wrong idea! We cannot separate the them.  It is in fact impossible,  because God intervenes in the affairs of men and more than anything else in politics!

Psa 10:28 says,

“For the kingdom is the Lord’s, and he dominates among the nations.”

The nations belong to him. He is not an idle, uninterested bystander.  A normal family man is interested in and has daily involvement with his family and it is his duty. It is also so with God, indeed it is the duty of God to govern nations.

The prophet Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar

“This order is fixed by the watchers, and the decision is by the word of the holy ones: so that the living may be certain that the Most High is ruler over the kingdom of men, and gives it to any man at his pleasure, lifting up over it the lowest of men.
… your kingdom will be safe for you after it is clear to you that the heavens are ruling.
For this cause, O King, let my suggestion be pleasing to you, and let your sins be covered by righteousness and your evil-doing by mercy to the poor, so that the time of your well-being may be longer.” – Dan 4:17…

The interpretation Daniel gave Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was fulfilled and when the time of prophecy was completed seen said,

“… At the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up my eyes to heaven, and my understanding returned to me, and I blessed the Most High, and I praised and honored him who lives forever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation; and all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he does according to his will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth;” – Dan 4:35

King David said,

“The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me: He who rules over men righteously, who rules in the fear of God is like the morning light when the sun shines And a morning without clouds; Shining after rain out of the earth the green. “- 2 Samuel 23

God cares passionately about human affairs and therefore to claim that we should not mix politics and religion, or more specifically God and politics, is a major mistake. It is therefore important that people probe their conscience and the scriptures and biblical principles in any decision dealing with politics, political parties and their leaders. We can not pretend that the politics is religiously neutral.  It most definitely is NOT!  Politics determines the governance of a nation and must necessarily touch its morality, its behavior and thus its fate.  It is therefore important that the people get informed as much as possible on the ideology of a political party, ideology of its leaders and their goals in government.

This means that the people must try to choose as leaders, chiefs and the party with the objectives, principles and moral ideology close as possible to those things in the Bible. The religious person, most precisely the Jew and the Christian, has a moral obligation to get informed, to follow biblical principles and not party loyalty or political leanings and not to just vote as usual or act with irresponsible complacency towards political choices and involvement.

It is therefore very ignorant of scripture and just plain foolish to talk of elections, politics and government without God and religion.

Now, does that mean we can take politics into the church to make sermons? I do not think so. Not to discuss who should vote or to present the parties and candidates involved. No more than a few words on the nature of the thing and the Christian duty to carefully examine the morals, goals etc. each party to make an informed choice by the Bible and by his conscience before God.


Are Atheists Rational?

Notice that the title of this article is not “Is Atheism Rational”.  One of the things that all the new atheists claim is that they are “free thinkers”, rational, logical, science and evidenced-based in having chosen atheism.  Is this true?  In fact is light years away from the truth.

Here are some facts about atheism and it’s inescapable logical implications and conclusions.

In atheism, you have no choice but to believe yourself an electrochemically animated “bag of meat” or a bag of chemicals. National Academy of Sciences, Anthony Cashmore claims that we are nothing more than a bag of chemicals.

“Materialism—the belief that nothing exists except matter, if true, means there is no place for any explanation of people and the ‘choices’ they make other than chemistry—the interactions of genes and the environment, and the random behaviour of matter.”


Cashmore thus claims that the concept of human responsibility is also invalid. According to him, the evolutionary process gave rise only to the illusion of responsibility. Indeed, he maintains,

“neither religious beliefs, nor a belief in free will, comply with the laws of the physical world.”*  –  The Lucretian swerve: The biological basis of human behavior and the criminal justice system, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(10):4499-4504, 2010;  http://www.pnas.org/content/107/10/4499.full.pdf html Antony Cashmore is Robert I. Williams Prof essor of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Prof. Will. Provine  said,

“There is no way that the evolutionary process … can produce a being that is truly free to make choices.”

So is evolution compatible with free will? Nope.  So is morality compatible with no free will? Nope. Cashmore wrote,

“The reality is, not only do we have no more free will than a fly or a bacterium, in actuality we have no more free will than a bowl of sugar.”

And he says that freely, of his own volition? Apparently not. Not without glaring self-contradiction. But that’s atheism’s only possibility – as bags of chemicals or meat.   Atheism is an idea that doesn’t even matter and has never done anything good in the whole history of the world, but has caused irreparable damage and mass death.

Now here is the fatal flaw in all this atheist nonsense. Rationality depends upon free will.  Rationality means being capable of understanding and choosing between conceptual alternatives. The No Free Will claim, if true, negates that possibility completely and finally. How can you choose what idea is correct and which is not, if you are not free to choose it? Stunningly obvious.

Atheist scientist Peter Atkins says,

“Free will is merely the ability to decide, and the ability to decide is nothing other than the organised interplay of shifts of atoms.”  – Atkins, Peter, The Creation, W.H. Freeman & Co Ltd, Oxford, 1981

I wonder if Atkins thinks that he freely choose to believe that and say that? Not according to himself. His DNA did it.

Atheist Nobel laureate Francis Crick wrote,

“The Astonishing Hypothesis is that “You,” your joys and your sorrows, your memories and your ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will, are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules. As Lewis Carroll’s Alice might have phrased: “You’re nothing but a pack of neurons.”  (p. 3) -Francis Crick (1994) The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for the Soul. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons

The late William Provine also stated,

” Naturalistic evolution has clear consequences that Charles Darwin understood perfectly. 1) No gods worth having exist; 2) no life after death exists; 3) no ultimate foundation for ethics exists; 4) no ultimate meaning in life exists; and 5) human free will is nonexistent.”

So much for anyone being a free thinker and thinking for themselves.  Atheism’s super star TV evangelists shot that false idea to hell.  All this clearly implies that as bags of meat, no one ever really selects their beliefs, their own concepts based upon logical evaluation, critical thinking and personal choice. Under atheism, therefore, since free will is an illusion of the brain and we are nothing but sacks of meat, real rationality cannot even exist. Bags of meat cannot reason or rationally come to conclusions. Atheism means that you are nothing but a biological automaton, a robot, a computer that deludes itself into thinking itself rational and free while being nothing but a clump of conglomerated matter with integrated circuits giving the illusion of real volition.

No other conclusion is even possible, if atheism is true.  Atheists sometimes counter this by claiming that we have tested our brains and proved that our faculties of reason are in correspondence with reality. This too is a gross error and lack of intellectual depth. You cannot test your brain using your brain. Nor can you test all brains using brains. There is simply no way to really know that what the human mind is doing is truly related to reality.  We fall into The Matrix scenario. How do we know that we’re not all bags of flesh hooked up to machines with our brains being pumped full of illusions of a reality? We don’t. Not under atheism.

Moreover, only in deism or theism can we assume that the mind is rational, based upon it’s being made by a super intellect, as Sir Fred Hoyle called it.

Again, we are left with a serious vital choice to make. God or stupidity.

Atheism is a debilitating religious position with no foundations in logic or rational thinking – rationality cannot even exist in atheism. Another thing atheists fail to see. Meat can never be rational. Rationality itself is metaphysical, not physical.  Atoms moving in any form cannot be rational. Sad really. Just freaking sad.

The great theist philosopher – and ex-atheist – C.S. Lewis wrote,

“My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust? If the whole show was bad and senseless from A to Z, so to speak, why did I, who was supposed to be part of the show, find myself in such violent reaction against it? A man feels wet when he falls into water, because man is not a water animal: a fish would not feel wet. Of course, I could have given up my idea of justice by saying that it was nothing but a private idea of my own. But if I did that, then my argument against God collapsed too -for the argument depended on saying that the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please my private fancies. Thus in the very act of trying to prove that God did not exist -another words, that the whole of reality was senseless -I found I was forced to assume that one part of reality–namely my idea of justice–was full of sense. Consequently atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning.”

“The theory that thought is merely a movement in the brain is, in my opinion, nonsense; for if so, that theory itself would be merely a movement, an event among atoms, which may have speed and direction but of which it would be meaningless to use the words ‘true’ or ‘false'”.
“If he is honest, the materialist will have to admit that his own ideas are merely the “epiphenomenon which accompanies chemical or electrical events in a cortex which is itself the by-product of a blind evolutionary process.” If all thoughts are merely the products of non-rational causes, this includes the materialist’s own thoughts. In other words, there is no reason according to materialism for materialism itself to be regarded as true.”
-C.S. Lewis

Simple and absolutely logical. And with that, there goes the ballgame for atheists. If they remain atheists, they cannot remain logically consistent with themselves if they claim they are free thinkers or free anything else, nor truly rational beings. They are obliged to consider themselves bio-automatons with no more self-determination than a hamburger.


Atheists. Do they Exist? Are they rational Humans?

Why are all so many of the “new atheists” such ignorant, irrational folks? I’m still waiting for a rational explanation of this strange inexplicably phenomenon that is the so-called new atheism. Is it what Dawkins would call a meme? Perhaps I’ll make a best seller out of it.  Maybe I’ll call it “The Dawkins Meme”. How’s that?

Atheism is the blind man’s claim that color doesn’t exist because he can’t see it, taste it, feel it or prove it empirically!
Atheism – the belief that nothing created everything for no reason – i.e. the belief that nothing is actually something (Hawking, Krauss, Stenger…)
Atheism – a failed materialist philosophy too often posing as scientific reality
Atheism – the belief that humans are nothing but bags of chemicals (Cashmore, Crick)
Atheism – the conviction that nothing beyond matter exists. 

Yet, information is neither matter nor energy and thus metaphysical. It is impossible, under the atheists’ own dictates, to prove that nothing beyond matter exists. So how can they claim this as being true? It is excluded, a priori, based on purely religious (metaphysical, philosophical) grounds. This, in any other domain, would be called blind faith in nothing.

So hey, lets give all the criminals a big break, because under atheist “logic” you’re “nothing but a pack of neurons” (Crick), with no free will (Harris), no foundations for ethics (Provine), no guilt nor merit (Darwin, Blackburn) and even rape is just an “evolutionary adaptation” (Thornhill & Palmer) … “Morality is an illusion” (Ruse & Wilson) … Insert another long list of more atheist claims here … In the strange worldview of constant self-contradiction that is atheism, rationality itself does not exist as more than an illusion. You can’t have the self being an illusion (Harris, Hood) without rationality also being an illusion. Strange that these people can’t even figure that out. But not surprising.

Think of it. Isn’t that a fine world view folks!  Come on now everybody! Atheism for sale, its free! Come get your atheism! “I, Dr. Snake-oil-Philosophy will give it away free” (see Dawkins), ie. nobody would pay for it if they really understood it.

There is no God and I am his prophet

There is no God and I am his prophet

In atheism there is no valid purpose for living, life is nothing but neurons following along paths of flesh and blood, directed by the laws of physics and chemistry. So in reality, there is no “you”. “You”, or “self”, is the vivid illusion created by electrochemical reactions in your 2.5 lbs of meat. See Harris and Hood on that amazing bit of intellectual black hole mentality.

The last time I was attempting to reason with one of these self-proclaimed “non-persons”, I had to ask them who I was debating really? A flesh and blood robot? An automaton? An AI algorithm? Amazingly enough the response was still the same – there is no self.  Self is a biologically induced genetic illusion and of course no free will exists. So then I asked them if no free will exists, what is the point of debate since debate assumes the existence of free will on both sides, to make intelligent choices, not imitation choices coerced by one’s genetic makeup.  Otherwise no one can change their mind on anything, and yet the people declaring this baloney themselves automatically assume free will all while denying it. They assume you can freely change your mind by reasoning through their self-defeating reasonings. All while telling you that they didn’t even do the reasoning but their biological makeup did. They don’t even write their own books according to this weird belief.

Ergo, few are as confused as the modern atheists.  And yes, that is standard atheist dogma, and its so easy to prove it is, since virtually ALL the new atheist gurus, priests and TV evangelists say so in no uncertain terms.  In other words, if “religion is the opiate of the people”, then atheism is the opiate of the immoral, irrational soul.

Atheists are the inventors of the inane “invisible friends” theology, and the even more asinine “flying spaghetti monster”.   Atheists are usually the unthinking folks that believe nothing created everything, and astoundingly, they think this is “scientific”.

I am perpetually astounded at the lack of critical thinking and ignorance of the “new atheist” web forum debaters. Could they possibly get any more irrational or self-contradicting than they are? Its hard to believe they could but boy, many of them still try harder. One atheist, swallowing Lawrence Krauss’ “A Universe from Nothing” nonsense  actually told me that the universe doesn’t exist because the sum of its energy = zero. I kid you not!!

This is atheism:



This rant was necessary to vent some of the deep disbelief and frustration in my attempts at reasoning with the unreasonable, irrational new atheist disciples I encounter.  A triple face-palm is required here as well.


The Religion of Atheism

How many times per day do atheists, worldwide, deny that atheism is a religion?  My guess is millions. Why? Because wherever there is debate on the existence of God vs atheism, you are absolutely guaranteed that sooner or later in the discussion, the word religion will be brought in and the atheists present will be eschewing all religion.

But then some deist or theist will tell them that atheism itself is a religion, having all the telltale signs.  At that point the atheists will get angry, act insulted, and arrogantly state that atheism isn’t a religion and that if atheism is a religion, then not playing tennis is a sport – or some such similar analogy (which they parrot from the priests of atheism). They radically deny that atheism is a religion because they despise religion per se and cannot endure to have their own beliefs called religion. It’s psychotic for some of them.

Continue reading

Which Infers a Stable Universe, Atheism or Theism?

In my last article I discussed the “God of the gaps” accusation levied against creationists and IDists.  A “refutation” that is common all across the scope of Darwinian influenced minds.

I showed that, in fact, it is the Darwinists that use “gap” arguments, or arguments from ignorance and not the designists at all.

Now at the end of that article I quoted professor Richard Lewontin on his absolute adherence to materialism in all things “scientific”.

Here is the quote again, followed by my comments on the last sentence:

We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door. The eminent Kant scholar Lewis Beck used to say that anyone who could believe in God could believe in anything. To appeal to an omnipotent deity is to allow that at any moment the regularities of nature may be ruptured, that miracles may happen.”  Richard Lewontin, 1997. Billions and billions of demons, The New York Review, p. 31, 9 January 1997 (review of Carl Sagan’s The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark).- Dr. Richard Lewontin, Geneticist, Harvard University

Lewotin makes a perfectly foolish unthinking statement at the end when he says that appealing to an omnipotent deity allows that at any moment the regularities of nature may be ruptured.  Really? Lewontin fails to see that this is perfectly true for atheism, not theism!

Under atheism there are no absolutes, there is no absolute truth, so one cannot even know anything for sure -including no scientists, such as Lewontin. The irony is striking. Now if there are no absolutes then it would be true that we allow that the regularities of nature may change any & every moment. The laws may dissolve, mathematics is no longer certain, nothing remains.  Science itself becomes relative, volatile and unreliable. Nothing is certain under atheism’s obligatory relativism. Nothing can be known as objectively true in atheism, including atheism itself. This is standard atheist dogma and if atheism were true, then they would be right in claiming this.

However, under theism, what is the reason that the regularities may be ruptured? The only possible reason would be the will of the deity.  But then why would an intelligent creator simply screw everything he made from one day to the next?  What reason would he have? None, assuming this God is wise and good.

Moreover, even if he did, would mankind ever know it? Highly unlikely, well at least not for more than a few seconds. We would almost certainly disappear in some sort of total cosmic implosion if only 1 of the “fine tuning” constants were to be altered by the deity. And who would be left to give a damn for humanity?

In theism, we infer, through multitudes of inferences and the very state of the cosmos,  that the intelligence of the creator is infinite (just look at what he made) and that his moral nature is the very foundation of all morality.

Worse, Lewontin’s statement is in fact simply wrong, since we already have ample testimony that in fact the laws of the nature are universal, stable and constant since the beginning of all human history. Simply because we have something we call “science” and it works.

Now to prove how asinine some atheists can get on this specific point, lets read the “expert” atheist version; one that, if true, literally turns Lewontin’s inane statement upside down:

“There is no logical impossibility in the hypothesis that the world sprang into being five minutes ago, exactly as it then was, with a population that “remembered” a wholly unreal past. There is no logically necessary connection between events at different times; therefore nothing that is happening now or will happen in the future can disprove the hypothesis that the world began five minutes ago.” — Bertrand Russell, The Analysis of Mind,1921, pp. 159- 60

Can you see that the truly unstable, unreliable, utterly mutable universe Lewontin imagines under a deity, is actually the highly probable state of nature if atheism were true and not at all if theism is true?

Thank God it isn’t!

Why else would Einstein consider that one of the most surprising attributes of nature to be that it is understandable?

“The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility … The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle”
-Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacson, p. 462

Einstein was not an atheist by any means.

Thank God for that too.